Fire Safety

Fire fighting

Importance of fire extinguisher in daily life

According to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), estimated 4000 fire-related deaths occur in the US annually. This implies that every day, seven people succumb to fire-related incidences. Among these incidences, more than 75% occurred in homes which either didn’t have a fire extinguisher, or the fire extinguisher was not functioning properly. Hence, a fire extinguisher …

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various fire extinguishers

What are the Different Types of Fire Extinguishers?

Fire accidents are a common occurrence. For a fire to exist, four elements must be at work; oxygen, heat, fuel, and a chemical reaction. Oxygen is the element that sustains combustion, while heat makes it possible for the material to reach its ignition temperature. Fuel supports the combustion, and the chemical reaction ignites the other …

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