A Complete Shooting Range Gear List For The New Shooters

Whenever you decide to go to the shooting range, you need to have all the shooting gears. Now for an expert, they already know what they are doing; so they will bring everything they need in the range. But if you are new, you do need to know what you will be needing in the range.

Complete Shooting Range Gear List

man shooting at a range

Don’t expect anyone will lend you the missing gear in case you don’t bring it. It’s so embarrassing; at least for me! So, I would advise, take your time and think what gears you will be needing in the range. The following list will help you a lot.

  1. Bring Ear Protection

The ear protection is the most important shooting range gear that you must bring. Don’t be a fool thinking gunshots are not that loud. It can temporarily make you go deaf and there will be ringing in the ears for a couple of days. Simply, it’s not practical to go the range without ear protection.

Whereas earplugs can be a good option and they are cheap, but they are basically for the new shooters. You need a professional electronic earmuff for the shooting protection. You can find both the earplugs and earmuffs in passive and electronics form.

I would recommend the electronic earmuff since they are pretty good blocking the gunshots and allowing you to hear the instructions around you.

  1. Eye Protection

You need to protect your eyes while shooting so a pair of shooting safety glass is a must. In addition to protecting your eyes, the glass has to help you shooting accurately. Don’t go for a cheap shooting glass. If it is unable to protect your eyes, your eyes may end up retinal abrasions or corneal lacerations.

You can get a top-quality shooting glass for as low as $20. And the best way to get them is from the trusted online store like the Amazon.

  1. Cleaning Kit

Believe it or not, a portable cleaning kit is really helpful in the shooting range. It does not have to be as delicate as home cleaning kit, a bare basic is more than enough. Just for the shooting range, you can find them as cheap as $10 only.

A portable cleaning kit usually includes rifle rods, brass brush, plastic oil bottle and so on. You will be needing it badly to clean the barrel of your firearms of any kind like the pistol, shotgun, or rifle.

  1. First Aid Kit

Being extra careful about safety in the shooting range is appreciated all the time. From small to terrible, accidents do happen in the range every now and then. So, it’s always recommended to bring a first aid kit box at the range containing essential items.

In the warm climate, heat stroke is not so uncommon. Besides, dehydration could be a big problem. So, in addition to bringing clean water, bring a cap too. To safeguard against the scorching sun, please bring the sunscreen too.

  1. Screwdriver & Tools Set

While you are taking care of your guns or maybe simply cleaning your earmuff, any parts of it may come loose. How do you fix that if you don’t have a screwdriver nearby you? Don’t expect someone else will be ready with those tools for you.

These tools come in handy to solve some small task. However, if something is wrong with your gun; take extra care and be super careful. If you don’t know what you are doing, take your gun to the repair shop.

Such screwdriver and tools set are really cheap and you should take it to the shooting gun range.

  1. Ammunition & Mags

What’s the point of having a gun or going to the shooting range without the ammunition? So, get enough bullets. The best way to get ammunition or bullets is to get from online. I have seen they offer big discounts on special occasions.

However, you have to exercise care regarding the right ammunition for your gun. Always buy the right caliber. Don’t get the wrong caliber bullet for your gun and try to see what happens. Nothing will happen good, but you will end up having serious accidents.

  1. Shooting Range Baggun and gunbag

I would recommend having ammo can, but a range bag is much more useful and must-have shooting gear. You can put different stuff in its small compartments and straps. They are a little bit more expensive than the ammo can, but the benefits and convenience are just priceless.

  1. Bring The Targets and RDS

Using paper or steel targets are just lame; they may be good for the first-time shooters, but definitely not for the pro. Get your own targets. Some targets come with stickers so that you can repair the targets yourself. Some targets have cool features like the color brightens when you hit the target. Use the red dot sights to acquire the target quickly and precisely.

  1. Handgun Case

Every gun comes with a case, but that makes it obvious that you are carrying a gun. If you want to avoid that, try having a different handgun case. Some cases will make it look like you are carrying a laptop.

From Amazon, you can get those bags as low as $10. So why not give yourself a cool look!

  1. Other Stuff To Bring

Is the list getting so big for you? Don’t worry I am almost done. In addition to the gears mentioned-above, you should bring the following items too:

  • A strong and durable shooting mat. They don’t cost much at all.
  • For the rifle user, having the brass catcher is a good idea.
  • Get a chronograph if you want to have the precise velocity of your ammo.
  • For steady & zero precision, having a lead sled is really cool!


As you can see, if you want to go to a shooting range, you need to have a decent budget. The above-mentioned shooting range gear list is just a reminder to you that it involves money. But, shooting is rewarding, no doubt about that.

Share this article with your fellow shooters who might be needing it desperately.

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